18 Jan Femme is Fatale – Elzabé Zietsman – 24 March 2023
Elzabé Zietsman
Femme is Fatale
SPACE Modern
24 March 2023 @ 8pm
Springfontien wines and canapes will be served before and after the show.
Show commences at 8.30 pm
Tickets now available at Quicket here
Femme is Fatale, by stalwart cabaret artist and actress, Elzabé Zietsman, forms part of the Ibethiwe Aphuke / beaten, not broken group exhibition raising awareness of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
In Femme is Fatale, a brand new one-woman cabaret, with text by Bruce Little and directed by Eloise Clasen, Elzabé Zietsman gets onto the case, using song and storytelling to get to the bottom of femicide and gender-based violence which are threatening to devour the very fabric of South African society. Tony Bentel is on the piano.
Elzabe Zietsman is “going to try her best to make you listen. And with a script which is as blunt and blistering as it is determined, she hits where it hurts most. Being the veteran she is, there’s not a note, a line or a hair out of place and she shows what contemporary cabaret can achieve when done with heartfelt honesty. It’s a courageous and memorable performance.” – Diane De Beer
Femme is Fatale has been nominated for the 2023 Fiesta award for the category Best Music Driven Production.
In partnership with the GBV Group Exhibition opening the following day at SPACE Modern at 12pm, by invited artists from across the visual arts spectrum, awareness, conversation and funds can be raised.
Local wine and canapés will be served from 8pm and after the show.
In Afrikaans:
“Marna voel soos ‘n Safari pruimedant nadat Koos, haar man van 30 jaar, haar gelos het vir ‘n bloedjong bloeisel. Sy kry vir die heel eerste keer vir haar ‘n hond en maak planne om vir haar dogters in Australië te gaan kuier. Lian weet van kleins af sy is in die verkeerde lyf. Sy werk in die Vaal Mall en spaar elke sent wat sy kan vir hormoon terapie en die nodige operasies sodat sy kan wees wie sy regtig is. Khanyi maak huise skoon en droom daarvan om skoonheidsterapie te gaan studeer. Sy loop lang afstande elke dag werk toe en terug, sodat sy kan geld spaar en so die domestic worker siklus van die vrouens in haar familie kan breek. Wat gaan verhoed dat hierdie drie vroue hulle drome verwesenlik? Ons hoor die heeltyd van geslagsgebaseerde geweld, maar niemand luister nie.
Femme is Fatale is benoem vir ‘n 2023 Fiësta toekenning vir die kategorie Beste musiekgedrewe produksie.”
Plaaslike wyn en smaaklike happies sal van 8nm en na die vertoning bedien word.