Maricel Albertyn


Maricel Albertyn was born in Pretoria and grew up in Bloemfontein. Childhood summers spent on the Transvaal family farm first inspired her love for and appreciation of the natural world. After school she studied at Michaelis and completed a Bachelors in Fine Art. She worked for five years as a graphic designer, but was very ready to ditch the computer when she entered the film industry. She still works happily as a scenic artist and set finisher.

Maricel says this about her work:

Secret Gardens – This little collection was done during lockdown while I was staying with my parents. Their beautiful garden and its inhabitants became my refuge and constant companion. The trees, birds and flowers became my subject matter. I also draw inspiration from the Impressionists and the landscapes of Gustaf Klimt.
My dreamy landscapes are almost devoid of humans. They are peopled by whimsical birds and ghostly animals. They convey solitude and a longing for the simple life and a return to nature. These works are an attempt to Express the intersection of the worldly and the otherworldly – a place where the natural world meets the mythological landscape of fairytales, dreams and the collective unconscious.