Born in England in 1935, Jenny spent the first decade of her life at boarding school. Separated from her beloved mother, Jenny was forced to stand on her own feet at a very young age, while harsh discipline at school molded this little girl into a willful, headstrong young woman. Despite her parents’ wish that she pursue a university degree, Jenny had dreams of becoming a famous actress or even a pilot, but once thwarted (to her intellectual parents’ relief and her dismay) Jenny was persuaded to take a hated typing and shorthand course. This led to an opportunity in reporting for the local newspaper and also led to Jenny and her first husband crossing paths. Eleven years and two children later, Jenny was widowed. Having moved on from journalism to antique dealing, she also attempted to move on in her personal life. Neither of her subsequent marriages proved to be successful, but her antique business flourished. Throughout Jenny was searching for a more fulfilling lifestyle, trying her hand at playwriting, producing and even, song writing. It was not until her sixties, when Jenny became involved in an in-depth program of self-discovery, that she was turned to painting as a means of expression and personal therapy. Finally, Jenny had found her true niche. The joy of creating and bringing a canvas to life provided her with a peace and happiness she’d spent much of her life searching for.
Join us for Jenny’s 3rd solo show, Out of Pain, at Rossouw Modern opens on Friday 2 February 2024 at 18h00. RSVP at [email protected]