September 2017

Opening: Friday 6 October 2017 at 5.30 pm Duration: Until Monday 23 October 2017 Location: Rossouw Modern SPACE, Warrington Place, Harbour Road, Hermanus Contact Details: [email protected] Tel:028 313 2222   "Mentor - 2 Visions " is an exhibition showcasing the works of two very disparate artists that happenstance has brought together in the...

‘Deconstructive fragments in time/dreams/desires. These are works that reflect the dynamics between the final form and myself. I use my technical ability to create images; I then rely on the eye to dismember them, and intellect to reassemble them to complete the creation. Occasionally I...

The Universe Next Door is a group show of invited artists that Jozua admires. Artists include JP Meyer, Claude Chandler, Corne Eksteen, Floris van Zyl, and feature artist Vanessa Berlein. Sculptures by Anton Smit, Gordon Froud and Adriaan Diedericks This collection of vibrant works by established...